Blob Labs

GMTK Game Jam 2019

This is my entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2019. The theme was “Only one”. I developed this game alongside 3 friends.


Blobs work as a collective intelligence which manipulates time to escape the most difficult traps. They don’t hesitate to sacrifice some entities to help the next generation make it to the end.

At BlobLabs, we breed blobs. We trap them in test chambers of only one screen and in a time loop of only one minute, to select the most cunning and hellbent on escaping. Only one blob will make it to the next generation!

Three blobs in action

In this puzzle-platformer game, your goal is for at least one blob to make it to the end. To do so, you will have to sacrifice some other blobs.

Beware of the spikes!

Deterministic Physics

When controlling a new blob, previous blobs repeat the actions they were previously given. for them to replicate the same movements, perfect determinism was required. This implied that we had to write a small deterministic physics simulation ourselves.

Doing it that way instead of recording the successive states of blobs enable future blobs to affect previous blobs which is a great addition to the gameplay.

Try it!

You can try the game here (play it in fullscreen on a 16:9 screen).

Marc Ducret copyright © 2024