CPU Design


This project was conducted by me and three friends in the context of our Digital System course. The goal was to design a simple CPU with logic gates in a somewhat high-level language, compile it in a netlist then program a netlist simulator and run the CPU with some programs.

Designing the CPU

When designing the CPU, a lot of decisions had to be made. Mainly, we had to settle on an instruction set and the size and quantity of registers.

Some CPU circuits in high-level language

From the design of the CPU results the definition of a machine/assembly language.

Compiling of a program to our assembly


To simulate a netlist, we wrote an OCaml program that parses the netlist and outputs some C code that does the simulation.

Some resulting C code

Running programs

The CPU runs which ever assembly program is written on its ROM. Now, writing programs in binary is tedious so we wrote a text assembly compiler and also a higher level language ‘Tong’. We wrote most programs in Tong and compiled them in binary with a compiler written in Java.

Some resulting C code

Pong example

For example we were able to make a pong program. The interface is a Java program that provides a screen and user inputs to the simulator.

Pong game program
Marc Ducret copyright © 2024