Eco Systems


Eco Systems will be a game about managing and exploiting planets which are uniform eco systems. Each procedurally generated planet will host plants and animals that initially are in a stable equilibrium. Those planets are small and are therefore uniform in climate and distribution of species.

The players will want to exploit those eco systems for resources but will have to deal with consequences on the environment. Species can go extinct and food chains can be broken. Other species can proliferate out of control and cause damage. A balanced environment will have many benefits and will therefore be one of the main goals.

Procedural Planet Generation

I implemented a “basic” procedural generation of small planets based on my custom Perlin noise algorithm that works on subdivisions of an icosahedron instead of a 2D grid. It is therefore well suited to generate continuous noise (for the terrain elevation) of a spherical object.

I also implemented a “physical” simulation of light scattering within atmospheres.

A Generated Planet Seen from Outer Space


To implement the many systems required for animals to exist, I started with the sheep as a representative test subject.

The Sheep Looking at the Sunset

One of such systems is the quadruped locomotion procedural animation. Basically, it makes the feet of a quadruped react in a somewhat realist manner to the general motion of the body.

The Sheep Walking
Marc Ducret copyright © 2024