Original FPS


The goal of this project is to answer the conceptual issues that current FPS have: mainly a lack of strategic decision making, uninteresting objectives, time spend dead or too few emphasis on staying alive. Now, of course no game have all those issues but most have some.


My approach to answer those issues is to look at the currently thriving genres: DotA likes and survival games.

The first idea is to put a strong emphasis on ‘economy’: some form of currency shall be collected and used to buy weapons and gear. Then the goal shouldn’t be arbitrary points but structural damage on the opposing base. The asymmetry of defense and offense is very rich but having those two positions evolve during a match makes it even deeper (this is one of the things DotA likes do best in my opinion).

DotA 2 map

The second idea is to give incentives to stay alive and reward kills without death timers. Instead, like in survival games, a player would drop his gear upon death but respawn quickly at his base.


The second idea is to give incentives to stay alive and reward kills without death timers. Instead, like in survival games, a player would drop his gear upon death but respawn quickly at his base.

Testing weapons and mods
Taking a head-shot
Target bleeding out
Marc Ducret copyright © 2024