Stealing Cubes

Ludum Dare 40

This is my entry for the Ludum Dare 40 game jam. The theme was “The more you have, the worse it is”. I developed this game alongside 3 friends.

Spherical world

The environment is the inside of a sphere. You can walk everywhere inside it and gravity pulls away from the center of the sphere. This was a bit of a technical challenge to have the player facing the right way but after some thinking we ended up with simple and elegant solutions. Basically, at each time frame, we apply on the player the smallest rotation such that the player becomes aligned with gravity.

Looking up


The goal is to collect cubes. The more cubes are collected the angrier the glowing spheres get. If the player gets hit by a red sphere, he dies and must start again.


To avoid the spheres, the player can run away and knock them out by throwing some of the cubes he collected.

Knocking out a sphere


The Ludum Dare entry is available.

Final Ludum Dare rankings
Marc Ducret copyright © 2024